Nan color as RGB color (Edit->Colors->Set unique)

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Nan color as RGB color (Edit->Colors->Set unique)

Post by davidstanley »


Thank you kindly for your wonderful software - it is a truly fantastic tool.

A request:

Could Nan value colour in scalar fields be set as the RGB colour that can be set using "Edit -> Colors -> Set unique" for a selected mesh ?

I am having trouble plotting a scalar field in two/three tone colour scale (to cover signed values) that is easily understandable by someone who is red-green colour blind, such as myself. I have settled on a colour scale that changes from blue to white (around 0) to red. However, the Nan value grey colour is lighter and closer to the bright white colour than I would like (when viewing a mesh using the EDl shader), for ease of distinguishing between values of the scalar field close to zero and regions for which the scalar field has no value.

Rather than alter the specific shade of the current grey colour for Nan values, which would be a change that would effect everyone and perhaps some in adverse ways, I thought that the Nan value colour could be user-alterable or else perhaps just linked to the RGB colour that can be set for an entire mesh, as this functionality already exists and is so might be fairly straight forward to implement?
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Re: Nan color as RGB color (Edit->Colors->Set unique)

Post by daniel »


That's an interesting suggestion. This should be added to the TODO list, but I'm not sure when this can be done (it will require someone with some time to do it ;).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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