Unstructured e57 with Embedded Panos

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Unstructured e57 with Embedded Panos

Post by noaheckhous »


I recently tried editing an unstructured e57 with embedded panos from NavVis into CloudCompare. It imports successfully and shows the pose information under file structure, but after applying a transformation and saving, it loses the pose information (or it is at least no longer visible in the expected location).

Is there a way to apply a transfrom and have it apply to the pano poses and be stored once saved?

I am happy to provide a sample dataset for testing.

Thank you!
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Re: Unstructured e57 with Embedded Panos

Post by daniel »

Hi, this limitation has normally been fixed in the latest 2.13.alpha version. Have you tried it already?
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Unstructured e57 with Embedded Panos

Post by kleo »

Hi, I'm having a similar issue when trying to crop a large e57 dataset with panoramics. It doesn't seem to preserve the file structure of the original file on export. Specifically, it replaces the `pose` and `sphericalRepresentation` fields with `visualReferenceRepresentation`.

I'm using v2.13.beta. Is there a way to export to e57 with the original structure intact?
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Re: Unstructured e57 with Embedded Panos

Post by daniel »

So with the latest 2.13 version (non beta) there shouldn't be any more problem with the 'pose'.

But for the 'spherical representation', this is not managed by CloudCompare, and the information is probably lost.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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