Polyline Export Options

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Polyline Export Options

Post by srswarley »


I am trying to export polylines and their vertices into a friendly format that may be used for further processing. I've looked at all export options and the .poly format is good becasue it is a single file that contains all vertex data for each polyline. However, only (x, y, z) are exported for each polyline, without the associated ID(name) from the DB tree. Having the ID associated with each vertex would make further processing much easier to connect the data together.

Code: Select all

ID, X, Y, Z
feature_0, 1.41, 2.18, 1.20
feature_1, 2.52, 4.18, 1.52
feature_2, 5.41, 5.18, 2.75
feature_3, 8.41, 7.18, 3.10
Is there another format that provdes the polyline data, with associated (x,y,z) coordinates and the ID information that is as easy to use and manipulate as the .poly file type?

I could write functions to filter unnecessary text from some of the other ASCII files, if needed, just wanted to ask on here before I do that. Alternatively, I'm happy to create an issue on Github for this if others might find this useful.

Any help or guidance is very much appreciated.

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Re: Polyline Export Options

Post by daniel »

So if you have a single polyline, you can simply highlight its 'vertices' and save it as an ASCII cloud. With this format, you'll get all the associated pieces of information (if any), and a choice to output a header or even the number of points.

Otherwise, I don't know any other simple 'common' format to save polylines. SHP is quite complex...
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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