Coordinates' Units

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Coordinates' Units

Post by aprobst »


I am very new to CloudCompare, and as far as I can tell from reading through these forums and the manual it sounds like CloudCompare does not use measurement units such as meters. However, Daniel has said that the coordinates that were stored in the file have implicit units and any distances (such as the scale in the bottom right hand corner) are in those units. How does one go about figuring out what these implicit units are?

Thanks for you help!
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Re: Coordinates' Units

Post by daniel »

Well, as you said you have the scale in the bottom right corner. Or you can use the Point picking tool to measure the distance between two points.

And if you really don't know, you can ask to the provider of the data ;)

P.S.: point clouds generated with dense photogrammetry (PhotoScan, etc.) generally have an arbitrary scale, and therefore no valid units.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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