Some requests ideas...

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Some requests ideas...

Post by swiss_knight »


I've some requests ideas for the future;

- including GeoJSON format (read/write) for vector data.

- clipping cloud using multiple closed polygons (e.g. buildings)

- automatically rescaling the displayed legend scale-bar for SF colours on meshes or point clouds when the limits are changed on the left panel (to avoid having large grey areas), same thing for the left panel histogram. (I know it's possible to clip on these values and thus having a new object but it's sometimes not worth it, e.g if we just want to see changes in representation)

- in addition to the excellent cloth method from W. Zhang et al. 2016, adding others algorithms for ground detection (Vosselman, 2000, based on a simple reversed cone at a specified angle, or Evans & Hudak, 2007, or Kraus & Pfeifer, 1998, or K. Zhang et al.) maybe as other plugins?

- the possibility to remove triangles by some of their geometric attributes (e.g. orientation, as for example, a combination of their X,Y,Z normals, area, length of the longer edge (this is ~possible using the SF outputs of a Poisson reconstructed mesh), shorter edges, etc.
- same idea for points (e.g. removing based on geometrics properties or even attributes, for LIDAR classified data for example, it's not easy to remove some classes using the SF values as we can only move the two extreme cursors...)

- adding attributes informations (if existing) somewhere when using the point picking tool

- etc...

Sorry if I missed some already included features :)
Last edited by swiss_knight on Sat Jul 23, 2016 9:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Some requests ideas...

Post by wpqjbzwm »

Our paper is published in 2016 ;-)

I have two more requests.
1.In properties window, it is better to add an item of "points density" (mean or median spacing between two points). Because some processing parameters depend on it. Currently, I measured it using "point picking" tool.

2.There is a "smooth" function under "mesh" menu. I wonder if it could be a same smooth function for point clouds? Sometimes, after registration, there exists apparently minor inconsistent points in the overlapped region. The smooth operation is similar with "remove duplicate points", except that not to keep original point but to calculate a new point by mean or median functions.
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Re: Some requests ideas...

Post by daniel »


I'll ll try to add this list to the TODO list ( ... C/TODO.txt). But as always, it highly depends on whether someone will be willing to implement it or not.


1. As this feature would require some (intense) processing, it can't be displayed in the properties dialog. However it could be computed by the 'Tools > Other > Density' tool (which already outputs several density indicators). For instance the 'approximate' density calculation is based on the spacing between points (but it's converted either to a disc surface or a sphere volume considering the spacing is a radius).

2. I think this is what the MLS tool of the qPCL plugins can do (see ... mpling.php)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Some requests ideas...

Post by wpqjbzwm »

Thanks, @daniel. I'll try them afterwards.

BTW, there seems a bug in version 2.8. Some functions will cause CC crashed, such normals, density, roughness. I felt it was caused by Octree. Version 2.7 is ok.
I tried some files (for example, ..., the results were the same.
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Re: Some requests ideas...

Post by daniel »

I believe your issues might be connected to

We have changed the way the progress dialog works and hopefully it shouldn't crash anymore. I've uploaded a new 2.6.8 beta version online.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Some requests ideas...

Post by wpqjbzwm »

I downloaded the new version and it worked well. Thanks, @daniel.
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