unroll Mesh with texture

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unroll Mesh with texture

Post by geolux »

I have this part of a big model. On the mesh there is a textures. So, I need to elaborate a flat drawing for a restorer. Is it possible with cloud compare?
Yes, I know that it is a model with two direction of distortion and so will be distorted, but is there other solution?
Thank you
sviluppo_2.jpeg (94.07 KiB) Viewed 7161 times
sviluppo_1.jpeg (116.55 KiB) Viewed 7161 times
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Re: unroll Mesh with texture

Post by daniel »


Sadly it's not possible to do this kind of 'spherical' retro-projection with CloudCompare directly.

With CC you could:
  • sample a lot of points on the textured mesh to get a dense point cloud (with colors)
  • fit a sphere to determine the center and radius of the dome
  • export the cloud as an ASCII file
Then knowing the sphere radius and center, it would be relatively easy to apply the retro-projection on each point of the ASCII file (with any scripting tool such as python, etc.). But of course that's not that easy ;)

And eventually you could load the projected cloud back to CC to generate a visual.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: unroll Mesh with texture

Post by CCE PAO »

I'm waking up this post because I think that my question is the same than Geolux. (even if I hope a different answer).

Photographer in a museum of archeology I would like to obtain the unroll picture of the decor on this greek vase. Image

For the moment I tried 2 method :

- Tools > Projection > Unroll Image

- Tools > Segmentation > Extract section/Unfold Image

I know that the problem come from the horizontal and vertical curves like geolux dome.

But could it be possible to have the unroll version totally flat ? Or I can't hope for a better result than the unfold one ?

Thanks in advance for you answer.
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Re: unroll Mesh with texture

Post by daniel »

If you want a flat unrolled cloud, you "simply" have to set all Y coordinates to 0.

To do this, you have two options:
- save the cloud as ASCII or PLY and then ignore the 'Y' component at loading time (thanks to the specific dialogs of these 2 formats)
- or create a constant scalar field with only zeros (with 'Edit > Scalar fields > Add constant SF') and then set this scalar field as Y coordinate (with 'Edit > Scalar fields > Set SF as coordinate' - and choose the 'Y' coordinate as destination)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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