Plotting a userdefined point

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Plotting a userdefined point

Post by Jhon_2017 »


On a point cloud I am trying to highlight a defined point
for example; I know XYZ and I want to see where this point is located.
Is there a way using CloudCompare where I can input a point ?

Thanks in advance
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Re: Plotting a userdefined point

Post by daniel »

There's no "easy" way to do this.

Two ideas:
- create a sphere (with the 'File > Primitive factory' tool) and then translate it to the desired coordinates with 'Edit > Apply transformation'
- make sure the 'auto pick rotation center' option is not checked (left toolbar) and then open the 'Camera options" dialog (same toolbar) and input your point as 'rotation center'. When you rotate the 3D view you'll see the rotation center as a small sphere with the gizmo around it. You can even force this gizmo to be always visible.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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