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Error when opening any file type from Windows folders

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 10:09 am
by AEA
when I try to open a .bin or a .txt or any file type from a Windows folder I get the error "[Load] File 'FILE NAME' does not exist."
Capture.JPG (23.65 KiB) Viewed 4682 times
The problem is that I have folders and file names including accented characters so there are some of the in the file route. I had this problem in version 2.8.1 and also in 2.9.0. The solution is easy: dragging the file to the CloudCompare window or open the file through the CC menu, then there is no problem in opening the files.

It is a bit annoying... Is there anything I could do? Is it a bug?


Re: Error when opening any file type from Windows folders

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 5:56 pm
by daniel
Inside CloudCompare, filenames with 'local' characters should be properly handled (and it seems to be the case as you confirm that the files can be loaded by CC with the two standard modes).

Therefore it seems that the filename is mangled before that... On my (french) side, I also have 'local' characters, but I don't have this issue apparently.
I fear that something else is happening on your side.

Re: Error when opening any file type from Windows folders

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 9:51 am
by AEA
Thank you Daniel!
And sorry about the late reply. I forgot to checkmark the "notify" option.

The question is that it only happens in CC!! But it is not so important...

Thanks again.

Re: Error when opening any file type from Windows folders

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 9:54 am
by daniel
Nope. Can you send me the file maybe? (admin [at]