viewport generation for animation plugin

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viewport generation for animation plugin

Post by matknaak »

Hi Daniel,

I have a question about generating viewports for the animation plugin, or more precisely how to better move to the next camera position. If for instance I have a point cloud of a tunnel or cave, it is often critical to move the camera position in very small increment. Until now, I use the mouse weel to move. However, the increments of the mouse are sometimes too large so the next camera position is allready outside the tunnel or cave. Is there a way to adjust the increments set for the mouse weel, or is there other ways to move through the point cloud?
As allways, your help and advice is much appreciated...

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Re: viewport generation for animation plugin

Post by daniel »

How, I totally missed that message, sorry!

For the records, you can control that with the "perspective zooming speed" parameter in the "Display options" dialog ("Other Options" tab).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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