Finding Volume of a Surface Deformation

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Finding Volume of a Surface Deformation

Post by juventinod22 »

Hello all,

I am currently conducting research where I am investigating the impact of scan resolution on the accurate determination of spalling/deformation volume on cylindrical concrete piers. For my investigation, I created concrete specimens with deformations of a known volume cast into the concrete surface, which I scanned at different resolutions. This scan data was then imported into CloudCompare where I then created a mesh of the deformed section of the concrete cylinder.

At this point is where I run into trouble. How would I go about accurately finding the volume of this deformed section? Is there a way I can make a curved plane with the same radius of the concrete cylinder, and then find the volume in between this plane and the meshed surface that was created?

I have also included a picture of the surface deformation that I have meshed below.

Screenshot (77).png
Screenshot (77).png (73.33 KiB) Viewed 1535 times

Any assistance or suggestions for this would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: Finding Volume of a Surface Deformation

Post by daniel »

Hum, you could definitely create a cylinder (with the 'Primitive factory'), position it at the right position, crop it to a useful part, and eventually sample points on it. This will let you use the '2.5D Volume Computation tool'.

But if you want to get an accurate result, make sure to sample a lot of points on both your meshes (so as to be able to use a small grid step).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Finding Volume of a Surface Deformation

Post by DA523 »

Can you share your pointscloud?
You can register your pointscloud to new cylinder
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