build directory issue

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build directory issue

Post by jsm »

Hello Daniel,

I have just compiled the sources of CC and I have a small issue. I have run CMake without any problems ('configure' and 'generate') and I can compile the whole solution. I am just surprised to see that the 'CloudCompare.exe' file is generated on one side in a folder ('...\build\qCC\Release\') and the other files (let us take 'CC_DLL.dll' as example) in other folders (like '...\build\CC\Release\' for 'CC_DLL.dll'). Of course, I could copy the files manually in a same folder, or specify manually a common output folder in Visual Studio. But it seems that it was not the case before. Did I did something wrong ? Or is there something to fix in the 'cmake' file ?


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Re: build directory issue

Post by daniel »

Yes, you must have forgotten to run the 'INSTALL' configuration ;)

Either 'compile' the INSTALL project if you're on visual/code::blocks, or type 'make install' if you are on Linux/gcc.

This will copy all the files at the right place (under the 'CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX' directory - you'll need to have write access!).
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:18 am

Re: build directory issue

Post by jsm »

Oh yes you are right. The 'INSTALL' configuration was the only project not activated in VisualStudio... :-\
Thanks !
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