Masonry Segmentation plugin feddback

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Masonry Segmentation plugin feddback

Post by AdriArk »


As the Masonry Segmentation plugin seems quite promising, I decided to try it.

Here some feedback on it:

- the plugin work on point clouds oriented along the front view. But the point clouds usually used (face of a building) are indeed oriented vertically but not necessarily parallel to the front view. So, you have to rotate tour data to align them with the front view and after the use of the plugin, rotate back.
It is not a big deal, I set up an excel file that estimates the right rotation angle. But if a tool similar to the ”level tool” but orienting the front view instead could be very useful for this operation (and for the cloud inspection in general).

- My data are georeferenced and scaled. And I noticed that the results of the use of the plugin are quite bulky/pixelized. To correct this problem and have cleaner and more accurate results, I noticed that I had to increase the scale of my data using the “multiply/scale” edition and scale back to the original one after the use of the plugin.
It is not a big deal but the scale back operation of the polylines produced by the plugin cannot be done with cloud compare and I have to use another software to do it. During this operation I lose the georeferencing of my data.
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Re: Masonry Segmentation plugin feddback

Post by daniel »

Thanks for posting that on github as well (the authors of the plugin might more likely see it!)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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