Column attribute "Label" instead of "Ignore"

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Column attribute "Label" instead of "Ignore"

Post by m_clouds »

Hello everyone,

Since one of the latest updates, a script I made to deal with quite some .asc files doesn't seem to work anymore.
I think the problem is due to the fact that instead of ignoring the first column (which i suppose it automatically did before), CloudCompare now considers the first column of the asc. files to be a "Label", when i try to open them manually (see screenshot provided).
I could not find an option to specify the column attributes in the command line mode or save some preferences in CloudCompare itself or anything, did I miss something somewhere ?

I tried adding a line to the asc. files with a header (for example "Ignore X Y Z Nx Ny Nz" or "- X Y Z Nx Ny Nz" or "NA X Y Z Nx Ny Nz") but that didn't work, it still considered the first column to be a "label".

Is there another way to deal with this issue ?
If possible, i'd like to avoid having to rewrite / recreate all asc. files and I want to use some of the newer functionalities of CloudCompare, so I'd really like to be able to use the newest CloudCompare version but if that's not possible, I'm open for all type of suggestions.

Thank you in advance for any help or ideas !

Screenshot :
Screenshot_Label.jpg (174.4 KiB) Viewed 7046 times
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Re: Column attribute "Label" instead of "Ignore"

Post by daniel »

Hum, that's indeed an adverse effect of the management of 'labels' in the recent versions.

And I don't believe there's any mean to avoid that in the existing version... We should add something like a new option to ignore all labels for instance. But that would be in the 2.13.2 version at best (should be released in a couple of days or a week at maximum if everything goes as planned). I'll try to see if we can add something. Can't guarantee it though!
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Column attribute "Label" instead of "Ignore"

Post by daniel »

Ok it was actually very easy to add. There will be a '-NO_LABEL' sub-option after -O in the 2.13.2 version. ... up_x64.exe
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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Re: Column attribute "Label" instead of "Ignore"

Post by m_clouds »

Perfect, that's amazing thank you so much for adding the option, that saves my project !
I'll happily await the 2.13.2 version of CloudCompare then :)
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Re: Column attribute "Label" instead of "Ignore"

Post by daniel »

Oh, don't hesitate to use the preview version (it should be the same)
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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