Distance computation (C2C)

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Distance computation (C2C)

Post by lavaquiol »

Dear friends,

I have to calculate the distances between a very accurate point cloud that is ground-truth (obtained with photogrammetry) and a less accurate point cloud (obtained with LiDAR).
The object depicted is a leafless tree. Therefore it is an irregular object, with roughness and with different diameter classes.

When we go to distance computation in the local modeling there are three options:
- Least Square Plane
- 2D1 / 2 triangulation
- Quadratic

Daniel and friends, you would need to know what each method is based on to choose the best option. If you have done something similar and have recommendations feel free to write to me.

thank you so much!
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Re: Distance computation (C2C)

Post by daniel »

Since it's a complex object, I would stick to the least square plane...

See https://www.cloudcompare.org/doc/wiki/i ... d_Distance for more details about each local model.
Daniel, CloudCompare admin
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