So I took some time to test further,
After separating the ground of the already classified cloud.
I go to the raster tool, if I interpolate on the ritght and top corner last pixel row/colum won´t interpolate correctly.
I suspect that what happens is that interpolates taking the new upper and near right pixels of each pixels and fo the most corner pixels in top and right there is nothing to interpolate to and applies 0 value. Or something simialr. Also in some clouds, to bottom left, first pixels ocasionally fails in a similar fashion.
Furthermore, I was doing a video to ilustrate, and seems like on first attemp the tool does the job properly, to my surprise, for in the following attemps the tool fail as spected.
HEre the video:
The point cloud in the video
https://mega.nz/file/coNhAKxD#XorHShG4G ... BMmzjKf_t8